designs built to your specifications
In transmitters, solid state power amplifiers are needed to produce the RF power required to broadcast the desired signal at the correct power level. In portable and handheld applications, the RF power may be milliwatts to watts, depending on the application. In space and terrestrial fixed/mobile applications, required power output ranges from watts to many kilowatts. Power amplifiers for low power applications are usually straightforward designs. High power (up to kilowatts) usually involves close integration with power supplies, thermal management, RF power control and fail-safe circuits.
We have carried out high power designs for customers in L and S-Band. Our low power designs have gone up to Ka-Band.
For use in medium power CW or pulse applications: Communications, heating, radar, driver for high power SSPA.
Key Features
Push-pull class AB
Mismatch tolerant
2.3-2.6 GHz operation
Low distortion
Liquid or forced air cooling. Optional dedicated power supply, bias controller, thermal/electrical protection, RF power control. High power output filter available for extra harmonic suppression.
Electrical Specs
Operational frequency range: 2.3-2.6GHz
Gain: 32dB
P1dB: 22.5W
Mechanical Specs
130x50x25mm brass block enclosures
Female SMA connector on input and output
Solder posts for power supply
S-band 350W SSPA
For use in demanding CW or pulse applications: Communications, heating, radar.
Key Features
Mismatch tolerant
2.3-2.6 GHz operation
Single-ended class B or AB
Liquid or forced air cooling. Optional dedicated power supply, thermal management/protection, RF mismatch protection, RF power control. High power output filter available for extra harmonic suppression.
Electrical Specs
Operational frequency range: 2.3-2.6GHz
Gain: 13dB
P1dB: 350W
Saturated 2nd/3rd harm. output: -32dBc/-45dBc
Mechanical Specs
85x55x25mm brass block enclosures
Female SMA connector on input, N-type female on output
Solder posts for power supply
UHF Wireless Modem Booster
This device is designed to allow medium to long-range data backhaul using readily available TDD modems operating in the 915MHz band. This unit consists of an transmit/receive switching system, a 20 watt transmit power amplifier, a low noise receive amplifier and integrated power supply. This unit is designed to be mounted on the mast head close to the antenna and is protected in a weatherproof enclosure.
The present design is suitable for use in the 915MHz band. The transmit power amplifier has a gain of 24dB and maximum power of 20W. Useful operation is achieved with a backoff of around 10-12dB for OFDM signals. Receive low noise amplifier has a gain of 16dB and a 1.7dB noise figure. The transmit/receive switch is set to activate at 0dBm input from modem transmit exciter. This level can be adjusted to satisfy application requirements. When used in conjunction with well-placed moderate gain antennas, 40-50km LOS links can be established over open terrain or water. Even better performance from high points. Suitable for TDD or data forwarding repeater links.
Key Features
High linearity transmit PA for OFDM, multi-carrier applications
Power amplifier mismatch protection is incorporated
Low noise receive amplifier for high sensitivity
Fully automatic TR switching with presettable transmit sensitivity level, no need for special interface with modem
Fully band filtered to reduce probability of interference
Only single 24V supply needed
Integrated in weatherproof enclosure for masthead mounting
Other bands are possible, notably the ISM bands 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz
Operating frequency bands, transmit and receive gain, transmit power and DC power supply configuration as well as mechanical configuration can be modified to suit your needs.
Electrical Specs
Mechanical Specs
Frequency band: 915MHz ±35MHz
Transmit PA P1dB: 43dBm (20W) max
Transmit gain: 24dB
TR trigger power level: 0dBm
Transmitter mismatch protected to ∞ VSWR, internal load
Receive gain: 16dB
Receive noise figure: 1.7dB
Transmit PA OIP3: 56dBm
TR switch speed: <1us
DC power supply: 24V, 3A max
Female N-connector RF interface
DC power through separate cable or through coaxial cable
30x30x12 cm weatherproof aluminum enclosure